Lillian's New Books: Living By the Truth and Soul Survivor

Book Review By Randy Given * * * *

Liviing By The Truth
Book Review By Randy Given * * * *
Book Review by Deborah Fisher
The Truth About Spirituality!
My Family and friends Photo Album 2006 Part I
Family and Friends Photo Album 2006! Part II
Book Review by Jeremy Hoover
Things you need to know about me.
Soul Survivor
Contact Me

AMEN!* * * * Manchestet, CT. USA (8/30/2005)

Reviewer: Randy Given (Manchester, CT USA) - See all my reviews (TOP 500 REVIEWER) (REAL NAME) Just by looking at the table of contents, you can see that a large amount of material is covered here. These are covered early, with some chapter and book commentaries towards the end. Some sections are rehashed under slightly different headings, but never to a point of boredom. It is all easy reading and can be easily read in small chunks of time. I had some pet peeves (like "bible" in lowercase, which is becoming all too common). Yes, the author went a little overboard about using KJV instead of NIV (I have used most versions and prefer STUDYING with the NIV). The point that is made is that it shouldn't be easy (ala NIV), or we won't learn. By that measure, should this book have been much harder to read? Since it is not, is it a waste of time. Hardly! On the flip side, there are many things that the author hits right on the money (pun intended). Like tithing. The author is absolutely right in this and that chapter alone is worth the book cost, in my opinion. A similar thing that too many churches focus on is church membership and rules and regulations. So many schisms are caused by these ungodly things. Things like healing, tongues, and prophecy are covered (although the latter is way too short, but hopefully will be one of the author's next areas of deeper focus). Some items are very current, like demon possession of Christians (can't happen, but influence can) and Christians losing their salvation (which also cannot happen, and I agree with the author that too many people are getting confused about this -- a bad sign for the Church). There are other chapters, like fasting and why the ungodly prosper (even in the church pew, with some getting deeper coverage than others. Recommended reading, especially for Christians that want to grow.

The truth will set us free!!!!

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We must worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Bottom Line!